Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vint Cerf Says

"It's good for innovation to let everyone be a part of it. The point is that you want everyone's contribution to count."

"New innovations do not happen unless someone is discontent. I found that out in high school... but I wasn't an unhappy high school student."

"Internet was meant to carry pieces of data from one place to another. End of story."

"There is no reason for news media to die, except for one thing: the business models are to tied up to the delivery models. That has to change"

"If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. If we're not failing from time to time, we're not pushing the envelope enough.""Always look for innovations where there is an unsustainable system. By 2050, the oil tankers of today will be the water tankers of tomorrow."

"I am a 19th century man living in the 21st century"

Vint Cerf on Wikipedia

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